Archive for the ‘television’ Category


Vote for Jason Castro

March 4, 2008

I’ve never voted for anyone on American Idol – but I will tonight. . .

This is a great song by Brandon Heath – I’m not who I was – so chill – great to hear in the car.


on Thanksgiving….

November 22, 2007

…I’m always thinking about my sister, and how we should be together at one of our houses, cooking up a storm — but instead, we’re a thousand miles apart, at other peoples’ houses. Sooooo sad.

Love you, sis — hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!


Kid Nation?

November 10, 2007

Is anyone else out there watching this show? Jodi and I were just talking about it. I must admit that when I heard the bad press before it started, I was appalled that parents would allow their kids to participate. I still sort of am appalled by that, but it’s not stopping me from watching it. 😉

My nagging question: did they shower? Where? They had to work so hard just to get the outhouses……


for what it’s worth

November 8, 2007

I’m totally behind the WGA. Now that word is hitting the streets about what shows will or will not continue to air, what’s going to be postponed or scrapped, a lot of ordinary people seem to be rethinking their positions, sort of like, “yeah! stick it to the man! ……………..oh, unless it interferes with 24, in which case, everyone should just get back to work!” Lame.

I’ve really been enjoying reading what Karen Hall has to say about it all — I mean, I always enjoy reading her blog, and am bummed that she suddenly has so much time to blog and all. In a crazy Internet-stalker sort of way, I kind of feel like this is all happening to someone I know. 😉

(I had to laugh at this post, because if I was suddenly at home by myself during the day, pitching the toys my kids have long ago forgotten would be near the top of my list. Hee.)


Cult TV meme

November 6, 2007

Untouched means I’ve never seen it. Italics means I’ve seen it at least once. Bold means I watched it a lot or watched it religiously. Struck out means I’ve seen it but didn’t like it.

30. Square Pegs 29. Rags to Riches 28. Wonderfalls 27. The Daily Show 26. Firefly 25. Freaks and Geeks 24. Absolutely Fabulous 23. Forever Knight 22. H. R. Pufnstuf 21. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman 20. Twin Peaks 19. Dark Shadows 18. Doctor Who 17. The Avengers 16. My So-Called Life 15. Quantum Leap 14. Beauty and the Beast 13. Babylon 5 12. Family Guy 11. Mystery Science Theater 3000 10. Pee-Wee’s Playhouse 9. Xena: Warrior Princess 8. The Twilight Zone 7. The Prisoner 6. The Simpsons 5. Monty Python’s Flying Circus 4. Farscape 3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2. The X-Files 1. Star Trek


it’s kind of rocking my world

October 11, 2007

…that all of the Old People on Survivor are my age.



Big Duh!

August 11, 2007

So, has anyone else seen the new Hyundai ad campaign? I’m assuming their running this drivel nationwide. It’s The Big Duh Savings Event. They’ve taken classical songs and sang them with a one word lyric – duh. If you like the songs (click on that blue link) you can even get a free CD of them when you buy a vehicle! BONUS! You can even make your own duh song.
It is so unbelievably insulting – that I can hardly stand it. If I owned a Hyundai, I would hide all traces of association with them. And, well there’s absolutely no chance I’d buy one now.

I’m always imagining sales pitch meetings – and how some of this stuff goes public. It says A LOT about them – and whoever their target audience is. Sorry Hyundai owners – you’ve been seriously wronged.


Hi Laura!

May 29, 2007

*waves*  Hey, Laura’s here! And she left us a comment! Woo hoo! (Not Africa Laura — we knew you were here already…this Laura lives in the US and has a sweet li’l girl with Texas hair! smooch!!!)

Laura asks if I’m going to be watching Big Brother this year…well of course! It’s like a train wreck…no matter how awful it gets I simply cannot look away. It’s pretty much the only show I watch in the summer, at least that’s what I tell myself to justify the massive amount of time that reading the live feed recaps sucks from my life. 😉

Jodi is a big fan as well, so I’m sure we’ll be talking about it here….


on a lighter note,

May 17, 2007

I’ve sooo been pulling for a Blake/Jordin final all along. If I can’t have Rachel Zevita, it might as well be one of them… 😉


Let’s Talk Teeth

May 8, 2007

Hi there!  Julie must be really bizzy so I better pick up the slack here.  Before we get to teeth, let’s talk AI for a moment.  IMHO, Blake rocked the house last week.  I’m seeing he and Jordin in the finals.  I’d be happy with either winning.

Oh and before we get to teeth, let’s talk HEROS for a minute.  Could there be a better show?  Aside from the occasional GORE, it’s so intriguing – I just love it.

Okay – so teeth.  This teeth whitening trend is waaaay out of control.  I saw this impressionist on Letterman last week – GLOWING teeth.  Remember that Friends episode where Ross had glowing teeth?  Didn’t people get the hint that this is NOT attractive?   Even baby teeth coming in, pristine, new teeth – are not that white.   So. . . here’s my rule.  If your teeth are whiter than the whites of your eyes – STEP AWAY FROM THE CREST WHITESTRIPS.